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I am surprised that an agnostic or atheist would support Trump. Aside from his ignorance, and his relentless seeking of adoration, he also sucks up to Christian, evangelical radicals. He has filled his cabinet with rabid Christian billionaires, and has Betsy De Vos as the head of education. She wants to have bible study and teach creationism in schools and is trying to destroy public schools. Pompeo is a radical Christian, and is now secretary of state. He is assuring christians that he will appoint ultra conservative judges to overturn Roe V. Wade. I can see a theocracy on the horizon for America and it worries me.

Wisewoman3 7 Apr 27

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I agree, it is hard to see why an atheist would support Trump. Apart from his being racist, sexist, ignorant, dishonest, hypocritical, and incompetent, he has appointed fundamentalist christian believers to every job he can, which is worrying in a country which is supposed to be a secular state.


He has challenged Islam, he has drawn attention to the problems in Sweden, he's called out biased news, he has Nikki Haley as the US Ambassador to the United Nations, he nominated an openly gay ambassador to Germany (the highest position a gay person has ever had in the GOP).. There are plenty of things to like about Trump.

What is the problem in Sweden?

@CeliaVL Problems with mass migration.

@repubatheists The immigrants and refugees seem to be integrating quite well as far as I can see. Do you know of a specific problem? Sweden has tightened its immigration policy over the last few years to avoid major problems, but they are a wealthy country which can afford to take in quite large numbers. The UK has tightened its policy too much, and now needs more immigrants.

@CeliaVL It is true that Sweden, and many European countries, have tightened policies on immigration, but damage has been done. Sweden had its first terrorist attack ever last year, and has been dealing with crime at unprecedented levels. There has been increase in rape, murder, honor deaths and gang crime. On average it takes refugees up to ten years or more to start working, so this is a strain on Sweden's system which heavily relies on taxation. The education system has been dealing with the challenge of integrating refugees. The prime minister of Sweden said the country will never accept mass migration like that again.


He’s also a liies about anything and everything. I refuse to watch him and suck-a-bible. They are a waste of oxygen.

CS60 Level 7 Apr 27, 2018

Indeed. We have Trump supporters on this site.

and theists - - I find both equally sad.


I totally agree with you! Also, if I may vent, I cannot believe he did 30 minutes (or more) on Fox news the other day. He's a complete megalomaniac, among other things. It is scary to say the least. I also think you are indeed, a very wise woman 🙂

Did you listen to any of it? Like a 5-year-old starting out saying "it's not my fault" and ending up yelling it....

No, I really didn't listen. He is a child. From the beginning, I've always said, he is a child wanting to be President of a tree house club that hates women (among others).

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