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Today marked the 77th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Eisenhower in his memoirs said he told Truman “I voiced to him my grave misgivings, first on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary." Even MacArthur and complete hawk Curtis LeMay thought it totally unnecessary to deploy the bomb.
Truman chose to drop the bomb because with Soviets entry in Japanese theater it would've allowed Japan to sign Potsdam Treaty to Russia in a conditional surrender. He chose to deploy USAF Enola Gay drop 'Little Boy' August 6, 1945 on Hiroshima, vaporizing 80K people, 130K others eventually. 3 days later the dropped 'Fat Man' killing another 75K. They continued conventional bombs throughout Japan until 8/15/45 when Japan surrendered. 77 years ago today.

barjoe 9 Aug 6

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Now also 10 years dead Ian Campbell wrote the following song back in 1963. I used to play it on my 3 hour rememberance programme each year - no doubt the likes of wordywalt will exalt in the memory of the action of his cuntry.

Lyrics []


And still a country full of petty minded stupid¹ psychopathic cunts.

Australia or Russia?

@barjoe Not Australia - its full of well balanced people - they have large chips on right & left shoulders. Can't speak for Russia as I've never been there. I'm told that they have some good folk music but unfortunately are prone to US subversion.


Like Japan, the US refuses to take responsibility for it's horrific atrocities. Like Japan, the US is unrepentant for its many campaigns of brutal hegemony. Like Japan, the US remains an intensely racist and corrupted system. Like Japan, it could happen here. (and the rest of the world would say we had it coming.)

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