I went on a date with a Christian. Overall it went pretty well. Physically the lady is very beautiful and in very good 'shape' for a woman that age and we matched closely.
We spent a fine day in Aberdeen chatting sharing stories and exchanging glances. It was quite obvious we were checking each other out for the little signs of mutual attraction. Eye contact was prolonged and bodily we mirrored taking turns in leading and following.
Then over dinner, intelligent design and Darwin recounting the theory of evolution on his deathbed - thus killing the whole hypothesis.... That was an 'oh bugger' moment.
Sadly I can see this getting in the way of a productive relationship. I've been an atheist since 1976, and had my doubts before then. I don't think I'll be changing and disappearing off to Africa to spread the word of god.
Since our bodies have many flaws, the concept of intelligent design is not intelligent.
This has often been my argument. Made in his image?! Hahahahaha!
Then why are we not perfect? Cancer, aging, too fat/thin/ugly/strong/weak. What's it to be.
Then HIS image - what about women then?
I won’t even entertain a date with a believer, seems like a waste of time….
I understand your skepticism, but I am willing to date a believer as long as they are otherwise compatible, open-minded in general, and only moderately religious. Part of that is me just being realistic, because in my local dating pool, there are so few single non-believers, esp. ones that line up with me on everything else and would want me, that rejecting all believers would gaurantee that I would remain alone.
All I can say is good luck. At least you have gotten farther than I have since being widowed.
I can’t remember what sex is at this point, but I ain’t screwing any xtians regardless….
@Buck I hear you, but I'm not willing to be that rigid or exclusionary..