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A liberal society is a society in which dominate: the primacy of the isolated, "free and autonomous" individual, the ideology of inevitable progress, the fiction of universal human rights, the obsession with growth (because more and more people are eager to pursue their happiness), the disproportionate importance of market values, the subjection of the symbolic imaginary to the axiomatics of interest.
Liberalism has also acquired a worldwide scope since economic globalization has established Capital - not classes or races - as the real historical subject of modernity. It is at the origin of this globalization, which is only the transformation of the planet into a huge market. It has led to what is today called the liberal-libertarian "la pensée unique" (the only possible way to think).
Liberalism is a philosophical, economic and political doctrine, and it is as such that it must be studied and judged. The old right-left divide is of little use in this respect, since the identitarian, moral left, leaving socialism behind, has made its peace with, yes: has embraced market society, while the kind of right that calls itself "conservative" still fails to understand that liberal capitalism systematically destroys everything it wants to preserve.

Matias 8 Aug 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Personlly I don't want any wing especially extreme centroism of any kind. That harms my individualism and personal choice. When lefty wings constantly (not real classic Liberal) excuse me of being anti political, anti religious, anti vaccines or anti anything. I'M NOT Anti anything because it is alway a big part of many largest problems. These are all indoctrinated and programed into many people's lives, since birth. Not to say I am a pure blood, just that I'm well aware of many corporations corruption and go more to the opposite direction rather than being trapped in endless conflicts, lacking in peace and solutions.


Your opinion is noted.

  1. Commodification of everything

  2. TINA (There is no alternative)


For Americans reading this, remember that Matias is German and that the word Liberal has a more general, historical meaning in Europe than it does in the US. Many conservative European political parties actually have the word Liberal in their name, for example the Liberal party of the United Kingdom.

Matias: Das war alle sehr gut geschreibt und erklärt!


Excellent analysis, but with one major flaw.

You have ignored the non-western world. Western capitalist liberalism is opposed in much of the global south. Recent elections in Latin America confirm that.

The Ukraine war is also an example of western liberal capitalism trying to push too far by overthrowing a democratic, pro-Russian Ukrainian government in 2014 in order to get Ukraine into NATO and the western economic system. This overreach is leading to a uniting of non-western countries against aggressive western liberal capitalism which manifests itself abroad as imperialism.


My liberalism does not include any economic rules.

He is not Using liberal in the sense of liberal versus conservative, but in the sense of general western liberalism to which both western liberals and conservatives are loyal.

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