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Gotta love the American health “care” system.

An $18,000 biopsy? Paying cash might have been cheaper than using her insurance

She needed a biopsy done on a lump in her breast. The hospital’s cost calculator said it’d be $1,400 if she didn’t have insurance. She did — so she figured it’d be cheaper.

Then a bill came for $17,979.


Apunzelle 7 Aug 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Looks like after decades of gouging our deaf elderly, they’re finally gonna let folks hear… kind of them….🤠


Medical insurance companies always get over the top discounts!!!

They hospital and/or doctors over bill you almost every time you get medical care!!!

When in reality these medical insurance companies get huge over top discount from the Hospital and/or doctors!!!

Funny how a simple procedure that costs $1400 can cost ten times the actual cost, that cost is used to show how much the medical insurance does for you!!!

A complete joke from a greedy clutch of greedy insurance CEO’s and so called medical professionals!!!


Price gouging is illegal here, unless it’s medicine or medical supplies!!! 😊


Profits above life. That is what it has come to.

Betty Level 8 Aug 24, 2022
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