I first tried golf when I was 16. My dad took me to a cool golf club with beautiful putting greens and polished clubs, and so on. And I couldn't play, no matter how hard I tried. We'd take a six-hole game, but I couldn't play even that. As the years went by, I realized that what mattered in golf wasn't the stroke's force, not the club's pointing, but concentration. I could never hit the ball consciously. At Evolved Golf, I read a lot of suggestions on how to play to put the ball at the right distance. I called some friends over to play golf at the golf club one weekend. No one wanted to go because of the weather, but we didn't regret the trip. I shared the secrets of golf, and my friends got a child's excitement.
Q: Why do they call it golf ?
A: Because all the other four-letter-words were TAKEN !