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Trump Orders Review of Education Policies to Strengthen Local Control
“For too long, the federal government has imposed its will on state and local governments,” Mr. Trump said at a news conference to sign the order. “The result has been education that spends more, and achieves far, far, far less.”

doug6352 7 Apr 28

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He, Trump, must first understand what education means. It is not alternative facts, it actually involves reality. So for Trump to become interested in educating our children , he first must receive a proper education and that is not possible in the remaining few months of his failed presidency

EMC2 Level 8 Apr 29, 2018

and the poor get poorer. . the americans had better stop sleep walking and get control of the bus. the cliff beckons


Just a shill for the extremists..

Varn Level 8 Apr 28, 2018
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