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Release of more classified UFO videos will ‘harm national security’, US Navy spokesperson says


TheoryNumber3 8 Sep 13

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The big scandal of the century. Little green men.


I have never seen a UFO or an alien other than depictions of the human imagination in which aliens have a similar form to human beings. Given the vastness of our galaxy, it is unlikely that we are the only life forms in it, let alone the universe.

If aliens exist and are, able to travel around our galaxy or visit other galaxies they would be so advanced that it would boggle the imagination. We would be less than ants to such aliens and probably of very little interest to them. For me aliens remain with leprechauns and the bandersnatch, in the realm of the imagination until someone presents incontrovertible evidence to the contrary.


If the term 'national security' includes the ability to control and protect the national airspace and to have confidence in that ability. Allowing the public to entertain the existence of non-humans degrades the confidence in the military of protect the nation. Also, discovering that non-humans of superior technology of possibly superior capabilities degrades confidence in the Christian religion, and that loss of faith harms 'national security.'

However, it is a two-edged sword. 1. Not telling the public the truth is a violation of the Constitution, the right to Liberty including the right to know the truth. 2. The number and nature of incidents suggest a deepening involvement and threat to military readiness. These objects have stolen U.S. property, destroyed test vehicles and shown the ability and willingness to degrade nuclear weapons systems.

It IS clear that a sizable number of Americans cannot handle the truth.


Trump probably stole those too.


It’s still not a question that I entertain since there’s no answer. Getting more interesting though.


So where do people on here (skeptics) now stand on such topics as extraterrestrial technology and life that is foreign to this earth's reality? I know I am becoming a lot less certain that we are alone.

We’re not alone here either.

Those who are not here first have to get here. No easy task.

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