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Basically anyone who says switching to green energy will tank the economy is mindlessly regurgitating fossil fuel propaganda. Green Transition Will Save Money: []

Druvius 8 Sep 17

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Their argument would be moot even if it was truthful. Doing irreversible damage to the environment will eventually lead to economic consequences as well.


The cost of transitioning will hurt people in the pocketbook. That is a fact not mindless propaganda from the fuel industry. It won't tank the economy that I agree with. EV ownership and usage is not currently practical for most people in this country. That is also a fact.

@Druvius No. I'm taking about average working class people who can't afford to upgrade their homes to solar or purchase an EV. They are stuck paying exorbitant utility bills and fuel for their conventional ICE cars. People who live in urban areas or apartments and couldn't charge their car at night. What are they supposed to do? Not influenced by any propaganda, just the real day to day world.


Of course it’s propaganda. How can saving money, health and environment ruin anything? What’s ruining the economy is the unfettered greed of fossil fuel companies that is fueling “inflation” and the fed to start monkeying with interest rates!


And create jobs.

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