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Merriam-Webster threatened with bomb over "women" definition


Dyl1983 8 Sep 26

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It doesn't say what the new definition is but that's irrelevant to the charges. I could look it up if I cared enough but I don't. In an age of big existential questions we, in "the best educated country in the world," can't figure out gender assignments. I suggest calling everyone a human and letting it go at that.


So 5 years times (at least) 7 people threatened should effectively put that POS away for life. Regrettably, the justice system is indifferent to GQP crimes and only slaps their wrists. Now if he took a pound of cannabis across state lines, they'd throw away the key. What a fucked up society.


Just plain stupid. I would bet, real money, that he didn't discover or read it by himself. He probably got it from fb or q.

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