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Wow! I went trending... Thank you for all of your welcomes everyone its so nice to meet y'all.
Still a little unsure of exactly how to use this but heres a little survey, if you're an atheist now, where you brought up believing in god?

Carla_Jones 5 Apr 29

Enjoy being online again!

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It wasn't too extreme but I remember having to say my bedtime prayers hated Sunday school . I remember my dad dropping my sister and me off at Sunday school WTF while he went home . After he died never went again except for weddings and funerals .


I was brought up in the Episcopal Church. My parents stopped going to church when I was quite young, but I kept going. I loved church. I was baptized, confirmed, married, and ordained as a priest in the same church where my grandparents were married. I was an Anglican priest for 21 years. After living in India for 5 years and questioning the mythology of Hinduism, I came to realize that all religion, including my own practice, is all mythology. I am a very happy atheist now.


I was brought up Catholic and was fairly devout as a child. My mother believed in god but wasn’t a fan of organized religion. By 8th grade I began doubt and by the time I was a sophomore in college I considered myself an atheist.

darl Level 3 Apr 29, 2018

No , I was allowed to make up my own mind and my parents and all my wider family were atheists - probably because they had just gone thought the London Blitz and peacetime meant really do as you please now!


Your welcome


Brought up to think for myself.

Thought "This makes no sense", so never believed.


Yes I was christened a Mormon and baptized a Baptist when i a was a young child. I gradually stopped believing in god when i found out the other child hood fairy tales weren't real (e.g., Santa Claus, Easter Bunny).


Yep...raised in the Greek Catholic church. I got over it. (Lovely pic, by the way).


Yes and no. I grew up in Salt Lake City around the Mormons. My parents divorced early and I was raised by my mother who was a Congregationalist. She didn’t push religion, but there was immense pressure in the community and school to confirm. I just didn’t.


I was brought up a Catholic so they, priests, teachers etc, would have assumed I was a believer but I had doubts from as soon as I could start to rationalise. As Matt Dillahunty put it 'This shit makes no sense' and it never has. And welcome along 🙂


Hi Carla, I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school for twelve years. Just curious are you originally from the southeast or south central because you said "Y'all?"

ebdb Level 7 Apr 29, 2018

Yes i was born in texas, i grew out of it but i have been seeing my old friends a lot recently and they made it come back


Yes, Baptist...went to Sunday School, then Church and bible study on Wednesdays...


Yes and no... On our farm in Iowa my mother believed in God (a little) and my dad did not.

N7EIE Level 6 Apr 29, 2018

For me it was more like fearing god


Hi Carla, Ireland. No real choice way back then.

Tilia Level 7 Apr 29, 2018

No. I grew up in Cuba. Cuba is a country where such teachings were and as far as I know remain discouraged. Cuba sucks because it has its own version of ideological pap that is mandatorily distributed to everybody.


I was a little bit but I've never believed

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