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Have you ever been in a long lasting loving relationship, in which only one of the parties knew how close they were from losing each other? How about they both knew? Had you seen one they didn't knew how close they were but you did? The longer the relationship the more chances they had from happening? Whats it worth the keep trying?

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 Apr 29

Enjoy being online again!

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I have been in both situations, But in all my long term relationships, they were awesome much of the time, contributed much to my life in experience, and provided the contrast to clarify what new desires I have for the future. I regret none of them and appreciate they were willing partners in the dance we had.
I did notice when I was the one thinking it was coming to a close it was still rough but a bit easier as I was thinking about it longer but not wanting to put it in the space if it was just me or my mood and would pass. When it was the other person, it was much more jolting and took more pondering. Since the other person pondered longer and had come to the decision, this makes sense to me. I don't think which way it happens makes much difference. We have to just move forward and take responsibility for what we are doing with the next moment. It is always a dance two people do together mutually and create mutually, the good bad and ugly. No blame or resentment is needed or assists moving forward.

They are smart grownups that been there before. . Thanks for the input.


Yes. At least 3 times. Once I didn’t know how close I was to losing her, twice they didn’t know how close they were to losing me until I left.


It is all too easy to take another for granted. That has happened to me with all my relationships. However, after losing my last partner I vowed to never take another for granted again. We all must learn to do things that foster what we have and, counterintuitive as it may sound, this includes having alone time - for both parties.




Don't you think we keep trying until we die? Well I guess only if one truly wants a relationship. Not too many things in life are easy.

Well, we should try until we find someone to get it right with and certaintly make it work. But I was looking at what seems to be unfinished biz and seems both people are working it out from a power, on strenght position without knowing how close they are from being replaced, I am an observant. I was thinking I would cut any ties, any link by now, but familiarity keeping them closeby, regardless.... waiting for what will be new and different.... I don't know.

@GipsyOfNewSpain All you can do is be the observer because they probably don't want feedback

@AmelieMatisse one already asked me.... i think they are tired but at least in one case is not only about not hurting the other person but about hurting himself, about the doubt of what is correct aproach, now she want to talk to me. Didnt want to get in this.

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