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Is there any one who understands the full gallery of e-mojis that that could find an e-moji that signifies Atheism,Skepticism, agnosticism or just belief [that differs from ' Surprise! ']?

Mcflewster 8 Oct 13

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Could be that the people who create emoji sites and lists, don't want to be vilified and threatened by the religious for including an atheist symbol.

What you say is possibly true but we must not give in to then, the vilifier. If emojis have any use then we must use them to spread the icon .All communication is good communication.


You could probably shrink some of the popular symbols like the Atheist Atom, or Happy Humanist, but I did find an emoji that might work as a counterbalance to all the "praying hands" emojis - to me this third image looks like a sympathetic helping hand.

You pose a good question - there isn't anything super handy to use for a more secular support emojis. Hope people will post more ideas, so we can start showing support in a more secular way.

Good try for a start . Your last one looks a bit like assign used for Anarchist, and no one should love them, but there are plenty still about and I would not want to publicise them

@Mcflewster Hmm... I always thought that A in a circle was a symbol for Atheism, but perhaps it's no longer used because it is easily confused with other things, as you mentioned. In any case, there are likely lots of images one could download and save to use as emojis representing various aspects of non-religious thought, if they're not too complicated. The problem with emojis are that they have to be so simple.

The darwin style fish, the flying spaghetti monster, pink unicorn, the world as seen from space with no divisions, lots of things can be an inspiration for a new emoji.

Maybe someone can come up with something more definitive that we can start publicizing, representing the "nones" or "just human - no religion necessary" which is hard to come up with something simple enough to get through in an emoji. Here are some more images, but likely too big to make into emojis.

@Julie808 I like your brand of creativity

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