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As long as folks keep enriching the conservative extremist nra cult, absolutely nothing will be done about the gun violence epidemic here….🤨

Aaron70 8 Oct 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Until a real solution is agreed upon, I'll keep buying guns and ammo.

Tejas Level 8 Oct 14, 2022

If you don’t have anything to say that’s on point, why bother!? It just makes you look like an ignorant ass….🤨

My bad, didn’t realize you were a gun nutter. I have a real penis and don’t share your insecure needs….carry on…..🙃

@Buck it took you 2 comments to realize i like guns from my original comment. Wow. Your reading comprehension must be as poor as your critical thinking. I'm surprised someone as stupid as you found their way out of religion. Unless, you're a troll. By your appearance I'd assume a bridge troll for sure, or maybe a goblin of some kind.

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