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Hair today ...gone tomorrow?

FrostyJim 8 Oct 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I grew my first beard when I was 17, because I wanted to look like Dr. Strange, my favourite comic at the time. I have alternated between a Van Dyke, goatee and full beard ever since, except for about a year around the time of my second wedding, I was an active Mormon at the time and it was strongly hinted that if I did not shave I was not getting married in Billingham Stake.
They had been trying to get me to shave for years, but were not happy when would stand and stare at the portrait of Christ in the Bishop's office mumbling "I wonder what Jesus would do"


Clean shaven means more kissable to many.


I know what you're thinking, these hairstyles suggest insanity.

I'd be fascinated....waiting for the entire mop to take wing and FLYYYYYYY.

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