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Lang Hancock.
All Gina had to do was condemn the comments he made publicly and all sweet. Instead, she cut sponsorship for netball. And everyone is defending her.
As she won't condemn the comments, you assume she supports. Racist piece of shit, final solution stuff.
If her father Lang said similar regarding homosexuals/ trans people and a player spoke out, she would instantly condemn her father's comments and increase sponsorship funding.
I call it selective wokeness. The link is 1984 Australia.
The only reason Gina is rich is by luck her father was right place, right time and able to exploit Australian natural resources for profit. Can't understand how any support her stance now.

puff 8 Oct 25

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Humans sterilize other species all the time so it's not that we have issues with. It's that if we can sterilize this group of people out of existence then we can gas that group of people out of existence, too. I'm just fine with sterilizing the poor folks who will not contribute to wealthy families but I also favor gassing people who belong to wealthy families so that their money can be set free and find other pockets. I'm only being somewhat facetious.

I had the same argument with this high caste prick in India. I was saying that India should rid itself of the caste system as it's holding them back eg If Einstein was born low caste in India, no-one would know. He got angry, started jabbing me in the chest with his finger, and said "It's not the caste system that's the problem, it's because we let half castes get in to government". Unfuckingbelievable. I caught his fingers as they approached my chest one more time, bent them and had him on the ground and promptly got surrounded by soldiers (was in the airport). I really did dislike working there.

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