"n one of the largest depression-related differences between the sexes, women have about twice the risk of developing the condition as men, Goldstein said. This results in part from biological reasons, such as hormones and genes that get disrupted when brain regions are developing in the male and female fetus, she said."
"These biological changes during fetal development lay the groundwork that creates a vulnerability to mood disorders, such as depression, she said.
In addition, women tend to be more tuned into their emotions, and better able to describe them when depressed, Goldstein said. Men might not recognize their symptoms as depression, perhaps denying or hiding their unhappiness, so the illness might get overlooked in men until it becomes more severe."
I can see this. As a male with depression (and no meds for it) I have long got used to logic as a way of looking at everything. It makes a person less tuned in to their emotions. I can describe myself easily as "a watcher" of things and events. I tend to observe things rather than to interact with them. I'm sure this was a factor that helped lead to my last divorce.
I can see that. I believe one of the obstacles men face has to do with too many women express the desire for men to be more open about their feelings to show more vulnerability. Unfortunately too often when we do women look at us as being weak. We get a lot of mixed messages on that front. It tends to make us hide those feelings. Just a thought for discussion.
Or in my experience a weapon to use against you
@Sticks48 @Simon1 that whole idea of women being virginal or at least in thought and men being the big strong protector and decision maker. I will probably catch flak for this, but I see a variant of that in the BDSM culture. There is also so much outrage about certain stores removing labels of male or female designation on children's clothing and toys. As if that would make them something else than boys or girls. Our culture seems to like the idea of men, real men being prone to violence but not to the heroine, and women being sexless until they meet that conflicted hero and "save" him.
Plus the hormone changes every month ...that would drive me round the bend on its own
You already do, you just don't bleed from it.