7 5

Very disappointing


Lorajay 9 Oct 31

Enjoy being online again!

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Took me a while but I finally figured out how to cancel my Twitter Account. Opened it in 2011, and never really used it, but happy to deactivate it today and it will be closed in 30 days. I feel this is a good day to cancel my account.


The Republican base is made up of the ignorant, the stupid, thugs, and losers. The Party leaders exploit these people's unwarranted fears, and the base keeps falling for it election after election. Even though we out number the Republican base, between the undemocratic Electoral College and the gerrymandering of congressional districts, l am not very confident we can take our country back. I didn't include the rich who vote Republican no matter what, because greed, not the good of the country, is and always has been the driving force in the way they vote.

You also forgot to mention the I don't care and it doesn't make any difference people who never really vote.

@Lorajay They have at times. This is how got both Obama and Biden. Hopefully, they will this time, but l'm not holding my breath.


I deactivated (or closed) my twit account yesterday. Rarely used it, anyway, and never got a reply tweet from politicians or reporters. Musk is going to stay a very wealthy prick with some good ideas (the boring concept is good, IMO) unless a hammer comes down on him.

@FvckY0u I think you're mostly alright. Can I meet your Tailor?


Then there's this ...


That fits my expectations of him, so I simply found it interesting to see where he decided to focus. As Twitter goes the same route as Truth Social, I hope he chokes on it.


…but not surprising.


I wouldn't say it's disappointing. I have very low expectations of the man.

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