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"There's nobody bigger or better at the military then I am"

---Donald J Trump

Dyl1983 8 Nov 1

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Listen to the stupidity of that statement:
He is bigger at the military.
He is better at the military.

Just how stupid does a person have to be to follow such a fool?

I don't know just how stupid a person has to be to follow such a fool, but there seems to be several million of them. Qualifications for being that stupid probably include the Dunning-Kruger effect, debilitating emotional insecurity and disastrous cognitive malfunction.

@anglophone And don't forget just being stupid and a piece of shit.


His prenuptial for Tiffany's mother literal says that should the baby, Tiffany, join the military or other groups (like the Peace Corps) that she will be disinherited immediately and get no money.

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