Holden Caufield always expects the world to be better than it is. I think many people are like that. I am like that. I wonder if religion prevents that with it's focus on an other world.
Doomsday believers are also bad.
Yet if you truly believe in god the creator, then you are, are you not, duty bound to love, honour and protect the creator's creation, and protect your god given environment, right up to the worlds very last second. Surely the true believer guards the wayside flower against harm with their own body, for a few more seconds, even as the light of the approaching meteor fills the sky. Or am I being too logical again ?
To honor god by despising his creation.
Not really logical don't you think,. But then they tell you that logic is no way to reach god, and you have to leave logic behind when you enter the temple. But then if there is a creator, then surely the rules of logic, maths and the laws of physics are the central part of its creation ? But there I go, being logical again, just can't help it, must be possessed by some evil spirit or something.
One part of religion I've always disagreed with is their philosophy that humans are inheretly evil. Many people try to live up to those expectations. I think going against their nature.
I think that’s wrong. We are an evil species. Not really one redeeming thing about us in relation to nature.
@rainmanjr everybodies got the right.
Christians spend their whole life sitting in the 'waiting room', waiting to be invited through the door to the 'main event'.
If you're sitting in the waiting room, you don't really care if the waiting room is shit. It doesn't matter.
In fact it's rather satisfying if the waiting room is crap. You can look around you at all the lesser, inferior people who haven't got an invite to the main event and laugh. "Losers! Look at the peeling wallpaper and the out-of-date copies of 'Time' magazine on the table. This is the best you're ever going to get, because you're not a true believer like me!"
Christianity, almost BY DEFINITION, makes THIS LIFE meaningless.
I think religion teaches people to deny reality.
Agree. I guess I was not clear. I didn't mean religion helped people see a more real world, just that it prevents them from trying to see this world as better. Better than it is and better than it could be. It changes their focus to something imaginary.
Hope I am being more clear.
Religion is about the afterlife, not the real life.
Exactly. The real world matters less, there is less need for it to be better than it is or to try to make it so if it's only a prologue. The real world is filled with sin for them and inherently evil. At least for most religions, especially the Abrahamic ones.