Pain is a great teacher. I am having lessons from my feet, legs, and back on how to get up on a cold morning: if I have put my socks on a heating source ( mine is the register next to the bed ) the night before, I can grab them, slip them on and be immediately ready to get up, without pain or stiffness. The rest of the body will follow, as long as my feet feel comfortable.
You are welcome. Follow me here for more Living with pain advice.
I remember we used to keep our shirts & pullovers in bed with us in winter so that they would be warm when we took the pajama top off. . . No central heating so frost flowers on the insides of windows.
Fortunately no arthritis when 7.
Ich moechte Ihnen schmerzenfree to sein. Ich weiss was Sie erleben. I Fur 14 Jehrn hhatte ich Schmerzen ertragen. Es fuhln so gut weider ohne Schmerzenfrei to leben.
You've gone batty Walt - "it's good to feel the pain"?
Und wie haben Sie das gemacht? Ich möchte das gerne wissen. Gute Drogen? Operationen?
@Spinliesel Operation. Laminectomy. Das war uber viertig Jahren verher, and ich habe krinrf Rucken probleme seitdem. I ch habe Gluck gehabt.