5 18

All five found guilty, four on Conspiracy and Rhodes of Seditious Conspiracy, for at least interfering with an official function. 45 is sweating harder tonight.

rainmanjr 8 Nov 29

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I’m glad you gung ho types aren’t in charge. Criminally indicting Trump requires a unanimous verdict. One stealth juror and he goes free.

Yep. It's risky and that's why they wanted a test case. I favor going after him for the stolen documents, anyway. Fewer risks and complications.


I hope so!


Trump has nothing to worry about regarding Jan. 6. Only the smaller fish will ever see prison over it. He's a member of the club, like George Carlin said, and he hasn't stolen from rich people in the club, so he is safe.


Ooooh oooh just wait until they get up to the big house……The bros are gonna give them sumthin” they’ll never forget!!

I hope you are right, but I doubt it. They will join the Aryan Brotherhood in prison, if they even get sent to a real prison, not Club Fed, so they will have protection from the brothers, as in black men...

@TomMcGiverin Maybe. Look what happened during the riot. Rioters yelling ‘Nigger’ Nigger’ at cops and others.

Try that in there.

@TomMcGiverin Just a guess, I have no special knowledge, but I doubt they're going to a cushy prison. They'll go somewhere like Leavenworth (where Seditious Conspiracy will not be respected).

@rainmanjr Well, we can hope, but if there is a racist white gang there, they will be protected.


Now to just have don lardo indicted!

Patience. Rhodes was a test case.

Don't hold your breath, esp. with Garland...

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