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Spoiler alert: the answer is yes. Anybody know where I can buy some?


TheoryNumber3 8 Dec 19

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I can remember pondering this during an acid trip, fifty years ago. And I decided that gravity was the essence of life. For without it, we'd all instantly de-molecularize, and everything would fly apart!

That's not the case. Maybe you're confusing gravity with the strong nuclear force. Astronauts live on the ISS in zero gravity for weeks.

@Gwendolyn2018 If gravity "disappeared" we'd carry on moving weightlessly in a straight line. Because the earth spins we'd start to feel we were gradually floating up, along with everything else that wasn't nailed down. Our speed relative to the earth would slowly appear to increase up to a final value of several hundred mph depending on our latitude. Nothing else would happen to our physical body, which is held together by electromagnetic and nuclear forces. A "contained space" is physically irrelevant - astronauts leave their craft on spacewalks. They could in principle also leave their pressurised suits but in the absence of a breathable atmosphere that would be inadvisable.

@Gwendolyn2018 You're welcome. I hope my grammar was acceptable enough for you.


I looked up where I could have the strongest gravitational pull and it's in the Arctic Ocean. I think I'd rather age a little faster than have to live my life in the Arctic Ocean.

Hello beautiful 🥰, I've been trying to text you directly for a while but all to no avail! you're just too beautiful for me to resist so I had to find any way we could chat so I texted you here....hope you see my comment and hope you don't mind if we chat and get to know each other better!have a nice night 🥰😊


Have you considered relocating to Jupiter!?! It’s my understanding there’s an over abundance of gravity there!?🤔


I remember an old scifi novel I read in which one key character (bad guy) is a fat slob, but having came from a planet with heavy gravity, he was strong and active.

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