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Simple Formula For Living

sassygirl3869 9 Apr 30

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Don't sweat the petty stuff, and don't pet the sweaty stuff.


Talk less hmmmm. tricky as is not criticizing anyone . But who says I'm perfect


Sweat the small stuff is a big issue with Freedom From Religion Foundation, as it should be. But maybe not for other things.


That's quite a list I just tell myself to be responsible for my responsibilities but maybe people do need to list like that because a lot of people won't take care of their responsibilities I've been decent too many people it came back in a very evil way several times this I don't understand so I've got to do for me


That's quite a list I just tell myself to be responsible for my responsibilities but maybe people do need to list like that because a lot of people won't take care of their responsibilities I've been decent too many people it came back in a very evil way several times this I don't understand so I've got to do for me


Oldie and always goodie !! Thanks !!!




They left one off the list, Jail Sucks.


Wow, kinda surprised at the harsh nature of the responses. Yeah some of those can be a challenge but it's a pretty decent list and I actively try and follow most of those and I have a pretty happy life.

Agree. It's mostly common sense reasonable stuff and a lot of it reduces to letting go of stuff you're clinging to / invested in.

Unfortunately "live beneath your means" is something fewer and fewer people are able to do no matter how hard they try. It's great advice for upwardly mobile middle class types but almost like a slap in the face to someone mired in poverty or serious illness or both. I have been lucky enough to get to a place of living debt-free and having at least adequate retirement arrangements but I never imagine that I can or should judge people who live hand-to-mouth or assume it's because of lack of self-control. It might be ... and it might not be. Increasingly, I assume it's misfortune, because of structural problems in society.

"Stop blaming other people" is good advice in and of itself but here again not accepting blame for something that's not your fault isn't the same as blaming Other People. And being out of options is not the same thing as learned helplessness.

So in this sense it's not "all small stuff" for way too many people.

@mordant I've always known the difference between my wants and needs I've always take care of my needs first and then try to get prepared for a rainy day


Bloody fuck, that's not simple at all... unless that's the joke.


Seems like a good list to me. The world would be a better place if these things were widely practiced.


I Love you Sassy....But I have to say this about that.... geeze!... thats sweet and all... i got this ego and pride thing... i don't want to hurt anything , but i aint going to take anybodies shit. I stand on a mountain that i climbed to get here. My opinion of things are so far out there that i work on keeping my mouth shut. At the end if the day its just a he said she said thing... i will be forgotten before you know it. I say stand up for yourself. If they attack you... you fight back. If your a victim... you'll get your chance to get them back. Cosby never thought his shit stinks... it does now.

Damn skippy, Bob!!!


Now, if we could just all do that and have others do the same! Good advice!


Sounds great. If only we could follow all of these.

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