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Moved from Las Vegas to Alabama about 6 months ago (yes family and friends back home are ok). Feel like im in a box here. The entire atmosphere here is terrible.

TerranBytes 2 Oct 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Condolences... I am in a similar situation in Georgia. Freethinkers etc tend to be a bit more common in major metros and college towns down here. You might find some that are organized, as I have (at

Zster Level 8 Oct 8, 2017

hey didn't alabama just elect that roy moore guy who whipped out a piece on stage [with resounding applause]? our pasta god is with you my friend. be safe.


I've lived in South Carolina my entire life and I'd love nothing more than to move far, far away. I hate just about everything about this place except the scenery and food.

Food is terrible... i mean really really bad haha.

It's great when you're hungry.


I feel your pain. I moved from LA to KC, and I'm surrounded by very friendly people with zombie brains. They only accept things that fit in their tiny little box of false reality. And don't dare challenge them because they try their best to suck the brains out of your head. They don't like people who think for themselves.

I'm not sure how you feel about the pagan community, Paul, but there's a thriving one in KC. Granted, most of them have supernaturalism issues, but (1) they're a helluva lot more open and accepting of our ilk than the Christians are. And (2) they are certainly just as defiant as we are of Christian hegemony. (3) The strangest thing that I've discovered is that a decent percentage of pagans are a brand of atheists who consider their magic-and-spirits talk to be purely metaphorical. I'd never be able to square that circle, but it does make for interesting conversations. And, no, I'm nowhere near KC myself - the KC pagans sent an entire contingent to a festival in Indiana that I happened to be at.

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