The veteran of the Nixon trials said Friday, “I think an overwhelming case — proof beyond a reasonable doubt — is out there against Trump,” and, “it’s really going to be a question of do we prosecute a former president, not whether we can.”
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There was no insurrection according to the FBI, going by definition of insurrection. Why the Sopena was dropped. It's all been a show trial by the Democrats............and how many fell for it?
Pelosi refused security that day, blame her that the buildings security was compromised.
They should all be executed. Pelosi called for help, it didn't come.
Insurrection:: a violent uprising against an authority or government.
Extreme cultists are as dangerous as religious cultists, even more so when they idolize high powered weapons.
@puff So basically you are disparaging and criticizing Pelosi for being naive and for not having the foresight that a deranged, insane, power-hungry President who was legitimately voted out of office, would initiate a coup and incite a violent insurrection against the people of the United States and their government, where several people were killed and 114 Capitol Police were injured. Only a willfully ignorant Trump cultist would come to such a ridiculous conclusion. The blame is on Trump and his cohorts, not on anyone else, I say execute them all for treason.
@nogod4me Yes I do as blind Freddy knew there was going to be a protest that day. Protesters storming a public building due to a lack of security and sitting in offices and stealing some shit is not treason. There was no coup. There was no insurrection.
When a president trains and arms declared enemies of the US...........that is treason. Changing one's name and declaring you are now "moderate" does not change your true colours.
@puff You are just a believer. No different than religious cultists, Holocaust deniers, climate change deniers, supremacists, and racists. We know that Trump and his cohorts planned the coup and incited the violent insurrection. Like a cultist you blame the victims and downplay the seriousness of what Trump, his cohorts, and his cult followers did. Just like a cultist, you live in willful ignorance and denial and are therefore a waste of time. You will never accept the truth.
@nogod4me Let's pretend it was an insurrection. It was the most poorly planned one in history.
The law was broken that day by many and they should face consequences. It was more a moment of anarchy than an attempt to overthrow government.
Sure, Trump is as guilty as shit for causing it but he is devious and cunning (refuse to say smart) enough his arse is legally covered. He clearly articulated non-violent protest but of course was hoping shit would happen. But in a court of law, you are judged on evidence eg what you say not what you think.
Trump's a psycho and American politics will be better off without him. But he did highlight there is major discontent in the populace regarding the direction of the US
@puff Of course, it was poorly planned, if you watched the January 6 commission's investigation you would know why.
I agree with John Dean: “I think an overwhelming case — proof beyond a reasonable doubt — is out there against Trump,” and, “it’s really going to be a question of do we prosecute a former president, not whether we can.”
You don't stockpile high powered weapons and bring weapons to a peaceful protest. It was an insurrection and Trump and his cohorts are guilty as shit. The January 6 commission proved that.
Of course there is major discontent in the populace. The US has a fascist, authoritarian, "Monopoly Capitalism" problem.
State Monopoly Capitalism:
“The main Marxist–Leninist thesis is that big business, having achieved a monopoly or cartel position in most markets of importance, fuses with the government apparatus. A kind of financial oligarchy or conglomerate therefore results, whereby government officials aim to provide the social and legal framework within which giant corporations can operate most effectively.” - Wikipedia
Basically this is favoring the rich and not holding them accountable, even for egregious crimes, while controlling the people using low wages, prison for non-violent crimes and small infractions, and while suppressing their vote and protests. And also, using the people, especially their children, to fight their wars to gain the resources of other countries. Either wealth will be regulated for the benefit of the people or the people will be regulated to serve wealth.
"Monopoly Capital:
An Essay on the American Economic and Social Order is a 1966 book by the Marxian economists Paul Sweezy and Paul A. Baran. It was published by Monthly Review Press. It made a major contribution to Marxian theory by shifting attention from the assumption of a competitive economy to the monopolistic economy associated with the giant corporations that dominate the modern accumulation process. Their work played a leading role in the intellectual development of the New Left in the 1960s and 1970s. As a review in the American Economic Review stated, it represented "the first serious attempt to extend Marx’s model of competitive capitalism to the new conditions of monopoly capitalism." It attracted renewed attention following the Great Recession." - Wikipedia
“This is monopoly capitalism in action,” said Marion Nestle, author of Food Politics and professor of nutrition, food studies and public health at New York University. “Whenever Amazon takes over more and more and more of any consumer area, that gives consumers less choice. And now it’s food.” - []
Political implication:
“Ever since monopoly capital took over the world, it has kept the greater part of humanity in poverty, dividing all the profits among the group of the most powerful countries. The standard of living in those countries is based on the extreme poverty of our countries.”
— Che Guevara, 1965 -Wikipedia
I don’t understand why they aren’t starting with the crimes from the Mueller report. He said all were actionable when Trump was no longer president.