I don't know what the word forgiveness really means. Is it like pretending the offense or transgression never happened? If you pretend it never happened does the grief or pain disappear?
Nah, not pretending. Try the thesaurus maybe that will help.
There are some things that are unforgivable and should not be forgiven. There are some people in my life I will never forgive and I get on with my life without them in it and unless they appear in my life I don't think much about them. I do not speak to them if we meet and blank them because the only thing I have to say to them is that I hope they have a massive stroke and end up living in a crappy care home with people who do not care for them well. Yes I hate them that much.
I don't buy into the forgiveness is about you not them rubbish, there are many ways to fuel your fire and anger is also one depending on how you use it.
Apart from the few people I am not a bitter person and enjoy my life have great friends and do things that make me happy.
Often so shallow that it amounts to thoughts and prayers!!!
What a fucking joke for true believers who may have lost everything, I mean everything!!!
Like when it hails in Mecca, god is such a joker if he existed!!!
There was a woman at work that went on and on with this business and how forgiveness is a choice and I should choose to forgive people the wronged me for me. I tried to explain you can't choose how you feel about something or simply choose for forgive. A few months later, her husband left her suddenly and she was devastated. It took every bit of restraint in me not to tell her to just forgive him and choose to feel good about it.
Turning the other cheek can be an investment in being an understanding person. Given too freely, can be an outright choice into victimhood.