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I just found out the date for court hearing where I submitted request for the Federal administration law Judge to have the "God" in which they claim trust to be present at the hearing or as I recomend they remove all "In God We Trust " from all governmental terrorist controlled buildings, police cars, money and such.

The hearing is scheduled March 24, 2023. As of yet, I actually don't know the exact location.

Word 8 Jan 4

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Funny thing that you mentioned money... it seems that money is many people's true God... lol!!!

In this world, a neccessary evil. We think we own our homes, but if we fail to pay the tax, they take that away from us. rights are being eroded bit by bit.

@misstuffy, I agree with the principle. Unfortunately, there are too many people who don't pay taxes and many of them are high earners. There are people who don't pay taxes and live on allowances given by the government, many of these never worked in their lives and still complain.


I always look at the cold war era "In God We Trust" as Ike put it as something that went entirely wrong in modern times. It irks me to see this motto on police cars and court buildings. Leave it on the money if you like because money is really our god. I always tell others that we never see cops show up and then pray before going in the building to flush out the bad guys. Some that disagree with me on this might have watched too much Dog, The Bounty Hunter.

I think I seen about half of a show on the dog bounty hunter

I ask "If you are in an accident, where does the ambulance take you?" And if the christian replies, "The hospital" I ask if they get angry that they weren't taken to the local baptist church for prayers.

Shuts 'em up right quick.


You can swear an oath to the Constitution instead of a bible in US courts.

MizJ Level 8 Jan 4, 2023

Yea, why sweat oath to a document that us about raping these lands from those of my ancestry leading them down a trail of tears genocide to enslave people with capitalism slavery, submit to Authority-666 pay taxes?

@Word You complained about religion, I gave you an alternative. There was nothing in your post about indigenous heritage.

@MizJ actually it us theocracy government for which USA is one.. most people do understand. Big that's ok k. I mean, it's not ok that people don't understand, people not understanding is why the USA terrorizes, oppresses, enslaves people since its freedom from England July 4th, 1776. Submit to Authority-666 pay taxes capitalism slavery. "Gid bless America "



This would and should be a no brainer!l!

Of course common sense and factual knowledge will be ignored wholly by those whose faith is a complete travesty toward all mankind!!!


Good luck.


This should prove to be interesting. 😂 I always thought that one little phrase was a HUGE violation of Church and State..that and swearing in on a bible.

The state, of "USA" is the secret theocracy governmental. So, you cannot seperate the state from the theocracy government without ending the governmental terrorist organization called United States of America since their freedom from England July 4th, 1776 to rape these lands from the original indigenous inhabitants calling them such as Mexicans, indian and native American in violation of the home, land, security and common law practices of the original indigenous inhabitants.

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