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"Webber says he “was unarmed,” as if that makes it all okay. But the fact is, it’s not okay. In fact, it was like yelling “fire” in a crowded theater, only with Jesus."


Angelface 7 Apr 30

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These people need to be found guilty of inciting a riot and given prison sentences.


One of the reasons yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre (in fact we used to have rules about even saying the word but OHS&E has rendered that moot) is precisely because of crowd crush. Look at some pictures of the front door of the Station Night Club fire to see what it can become.
This dickhead was inciting panic in a crowded public space. Charge him with attempted murder and explain why. It won't stick, but it may make him think a little harder.

Are you expecting a self-absorbed narcissist to think of others? It's simply not in his orbit.


You know the sad thing is, his followers probably think it was the demons fleeing!

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