Comparisons of religion and Fascism:
Yes, well, tell the Repubs in Congress. They're the enablers!
BUT atheist communist dictators!!! Do they even realize that these dictators are acting more like them than humanist atheists? I don't speak for atheists but many do appear to be humanists.
I tend to simplify and call all authoritarian regimes "Fascism". I really don't think Stalin was a Communist. He was pretty much the same as Hitler or any-other dictator, except he hated the Church, having been raised by Monks. Franco (for example) was definitely a Fascist. He used the church to carry out his agenda, so he supports my theory even more succinctly.
All there roots of hate and beliefs came from religion!
@of-the-mountain Why do all my messages have words missing when I send them? Very strange. I don't much like this website. It can be misleading.
You missed one, and it's an important one:
Nationalism is dangerous in its own right, but to become a fascist state, the state needs to be worshiped in a sense as a deity itself.
Granted, but # 3 kind of covers that. I guess that makes Donald a , though. I don't think we quite qualify yet but he sure has a good start!
@fishline79 -- Yes, it does. He is a Mussolini in the making, but I have been saying that for three years. The checks and balances in our system make it difficult -- but not impossible.
@evidentialist Strange: In my former statement the word god was missing. Is that a Freudian slip or are my keys sticking ("trump a god" ). And I have been watching the idiot with apprehension for probably 30 years (ever since his first of a wife and Atlantic City). People our age who read and think have seen him coming. His "base" are clueless!
The Boy Scouts and your local civitan club also fit the bill.
Well my religion may have every component of fascism but it does not matter. Its completely different because its done that way for "love."
You must be a Quaker! I don't by the way, disrespect all religions or deny their right to practice and believe. Live, and let live, as as they do the same.