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I was happy to run across this article. Religious folks actually doing the right thing for the right reason.

Missouri faith leaders file lawsuit against Missouri’s ban on abortions


FvckY0u 8 Jan 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Why would anyone think that a man could tell you what to do with your body?


If I remember correctly some rabbis filed a suit soon after the BS SCOTUS decision. I noticed a lot of those clergy were women.

MizJ Level 8 Jan 19, 2023

That's hardly surprising given that women are far more affected by the dogmatic "decisions" than men. Again, it's all about our soul so change the definition of a soul to be one of illusion and we lose the dogmatic "input" of this debate.

@rainmanjr Another thing that happened right after the decision was that men flocked to get vasectomies. If men had shown that responsibility earlier we might not be in this pickle.

@MizJ What you mean "we," Paleface? While I'm unaffected by whatever happens your point is valid.

@rainmanjr Feel free to substitute the "citizens of the US" for the "we". Unfortunately the US has a discrepancy between the size of its population and its influence on the world. Note that I don't believe that influence is positive, at best it balances out to neutral as so much of the negative history gets whitewashed. Yes, the word whitewashed was intentional and I am disgusted by the ethnocentricity that exists here. The other discrepancy in the US is the Xtian influence compared to the general population.

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