3 9

Well can't prove he is wrong...?

Cuz in space nobody can hear you scream!

FrostyJim 8 Jan 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Engram was another concept that had a reasonable scientific usage before being wantonly co-opted by Hubbard. German biologist Richard Semon coined engram as a unit of memory in his neo-Lamarckian theory of organic memory and American psychologist Karl Lashley would later respectably use it as a memory trace concept.

It’s sad psychogalvanometers and engrams, though both quite scientifically obsolete, are tarnished by association with Hubbard and Scientology.


And he got some good ripe ones, ripe for the picking that is. lol

Betty Level 8 Jan 22, 2023

Actually the e-meter is similar to the psychogalvanometer Carl Jung used in his word association work, before he went off the archetypes deep end. EEG supplanted that technology as would PET and fMRI much later. Neuroimaging is superior to sweat gland response, though some make too much of such neo-phrenological “brain porn”.



Jung’s long ago use of galvanic skin response:

“In 1907, Frederick Peterson and Carl G. Jung published an article in the journal Brain based on their research in Zurich. They used the galvanometer with normal and abnormal individuals measuring galvanic skin changes in reaction to word associations. Jung mentioned the research as early as 1906 in his Studies of Word Analysis.”

Brain Porn (sexed up brain imagery in pop science):

Reza Aslan had explored breakaway uses of the e-meter on “Believers”, but it goes back to Jung:

@Scott321 - Huh...?

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