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Djokovic has no regrets about missing most of the grand Slams last year due to unvaccinated status.
Regardless, he is tied with the most men's grand slams and ranked number one again. This is most inspiring news, missing 3 years of competition for the unvaccinated me too. I'm going to go back into my international and world sculptures championship again. Since most of the vaccinated are sick. Can mean easier winnings for the healthiest people again. Since I'm tied with the most solo sand sculptures world championship, maybe I can beat Djokovic to it.

Castlepaloma 8 Jan 29

Enjoy being online again!

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He has a huge advantage over vaccinated players now.

BDair Level 8 Jan 29, 2023

Even when Djokovic had drunken hecklers and an hindering injury, He only lost 1 set in the whole Australian open event. Still more tennis event threatening to cancel him over vaccination

You’re so full it, almost every top athlete in every sport in the world is vaccinated. The level of competition is a strong as ever.

Except for the players collapsing and suffering
sudden and unexpected deaths from
age inappropriate conditions.

@BDair People died prematurely just as often before COVID vaccines, it’s all in your head…..

@Dhiltong It is not my imagination.
"An investigation of official statistics has found that the number of athletes who died suddenly between the beginning of 2021 and April 2022 rose exponentially compared to the yearly number of deaths of athletes officially recorded between 1966 and 2004.
So much so that the monthly average number of deaths between January 2021 and April 2022 was 1,700% higher than the monthly average between 1966 and 2004, and the current trend for 2022 so far shows this could increase to 4,120% if the increased number of deaths continues, with the number of deaths in March 2022 alone 3 times higher than the previous annual average."

@BDair If you’re just going to spend your entire life reading a bunch of anti vax propaganda, of course you’re going have a highly biased and distorted view. How about putting that crap away and just observe the world from a neutral un biased position and actually see the truth….

You can just spend your life believing the Big Pharma Propaganda
and Vaccine Apologist Dogma even as it becomes increasingly
clear in the peer reviewed published medical literature, which I draw from,
that they have been deceptive from the start.


Most of the people you call anti vaxxers, have been vaccinated. And then most of these vaccinated people express their disappointment in all the lies from each vaccination. As they were forced vaccinated or loose work and their social life. Most of the world's population are not fully vaxxed. Are they all in on the propaganda and the worst terrorists we have ever known?

@Castlepaloma I don’t give a fuck, everybody I know is vaccinated and they are all doing just fine, that’s all I need to know…..


I'm, not against anyone, take a 100 jabs for all I care.
I care what gose in or out of my body at all times as top priorities, most people don't. Above all Delusional politicians, scripted/ sponsored media and most sued corporations in the world, the pharmaceutical. Weighing in on all the pros and cons I won!!. With no covids and for all my non vaxxers friends also. I kinda sorry most vaccinated people caught covid . Many tried to bully me, and I really don't like bullies.

I love knowing things anyway, above all, health.


Most emotional victory I've ever seen. Understandable having the covid world order on his shoulders and he drives in with tears of happiness with his family as he collapses.


Football like crowded

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