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Some Windows Tips

Perhaps some people have found that the website pages load slowly or that their PC is generally slow. Windows is just like a high performance car and requires regular maintenance to run optimally. Sometimes that problem of slow loading website pages is due to the internet server issues. Always a good idea to reboot your router once a week as this will assign you a new Dynamic IP Address, only business organizations and governments have a Static IP Address. Switch your router off for ten minutes either by pulling out the power lead or on the wall mains, switch off and pull out the plug.

In Windows 10 open File Explorer and click on the left window This PC. On the right side you will see your C: Drive, double click on it and you will see a folder named Windows, double left click on it and it will open up a window with lots of yellow folders. Scroll down until you reach the TEMP FOLDER, double click on it. Inside the TEMP FOLDER left click on any folder, now press Ctrl A to highlight all the folders in that window and once you have done that press DELETE. Press the back arrow top left in Windows Explorer and now look for a folder named SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION and double click on it, go the folder named DOWNLOAD and double click on it. Once again, lef click on any folder and then press Ctrl A to highlight all the folders and then press DELETE.

Again, press the back arrow until you see the C: DRIVE. Right click on C: Drive and at the bottom left click on PROPERTIES a window will pop up – Local Disk (C🙂 Properties. Click on DISK CLEAN-UP then another window will open up MAKE SURE THAT YOU TICK ALL THE BOXES. It will be repeated and once again check all the boxes are ticked and click DELETE. Now restart you PC and in the bottom left search window type Defragment and Optimise Drives, run the tool.


Enjoy being online again!

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With Win. 10/11 you can delete all temporary files in a more secure way:

Setting > System > Storage (in the left menu) > Temporary files

then check all except the "Downloads" and click on the "Remove files" button.
Downloads will clear your Downloads folder as well


Diaco Level 7 Feb 2, 2023

As you know there are many maintenance programs on sale for Windows. 🙂

Windows 11 Like all O/S released by MS take a while to iron on the bugs with various device driver issues etc etc


I use Glary Utilities and also Privacy Eraser to do some of these things. One of two clicks and you are done.


I have some windows tips to offer as well!! Be sure to use a quality caulk, and apply it liberally to the stops before inserting the window. Drafts are the enemy!!! 😎

Shim unti level.


I didn’t know my router needed rebooted regularly….🤨
What’s up with deleting all these folders? What are they, and what is the benefit of deleting them?! 🤔

The content Temp Folders may be regard as junk and in the Download folder in Software Disitribution there are copies of folders, mainly updates that have been integrated into the system

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