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Biden says he has your back on transgender and guns. I don’t trust him on my back.

Castlepaloma 8 Feb 6

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If he can get his hands on your shoulders, he'll sniff ya.

Too many enjoy or beg, wail bending over backwards for a sniff and stiff.


I wouldn’t trust that senile, crooked SOB for anything.


Would you trust any man on your back?

Not a naked man or politician or Biden smelling my hair.

@Castlepaloma What's hair?


Biden won't be smelling your hair, at least the inflation of hair cuts, you save on.


True,, puppets are not very trustworthy especially when you don’t know who’s pulling the strings.


I thought you lived in Canada, so why do you care……..

lived in the US for 20 years on and off . Much of my family lives in the US and love them, far more than any Government. Being a professional artist for 50 years, it is like being the nervous system in society worldwide. Ever since, growing my long hair man, I don't give a care, man. I've been everywhere, man!

@Castlepaloma This should be your theme song......


That was just North America, I toured all the continents as a performing artist. Like a comic sand gypsy building sand sculptures , snow playgrounds, tiny houses, urban farms, everywhere, man.
Set the boundaries of what I choose to accept.
Instead of complaining about who's actions don't fit my own & move on and find one that does. Used the purpose to guide me to my best self and the passion to keep me there. A Gypsies favour hazardous and threatening freedom over being a safty slave. A Gypsies are living poetry. To paint my life not just using two colors (good and bad) To paint the best pieces of my life with colors beyond most peoples wildest imaginations.
An old soul with young eyes, a vintage heart, and a beautiful mind. I'm a free source of energy whipped into a spiritual being having a human experience. Traveling for my own self care and to feed our wandering soul. Why? Because the one with the most joys in life rather than the most toys, WINS in the End.

That is my song, thanks for reseting that song into clearer words. Wail my daughter who is a renowned artist too. She has been following my footsteps. She will continue the songs as a half native truth warrior of beauty and joy.

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