3 2

Well that’s 3 less votes for the nutters!!! 😊

Aaron70 8 Feb 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Anyone who doubts that the zombie apocalypse has begun hasn't looked at the republican party lately.


What kind of horrid people would drag their adult child into that? Trumpers, I guess. The really scary thing is that nearly 1/3 of the country believes the election was stolen.


I don't understand why they waited so long. Trump lost more than two years ago. I feel bad for the 26yo daughter. If she hadn't spent her entire life sheltered by her (possibly mentally ill) parents, she might still be alive.

dkp93 Level 8 Feb 6, 2023

Yeah, she was probably beat up along the side and of her head with a Bible her whole life, poor thing….😐

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