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We all came from Africa.


Lorajay 9 Feb 19

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This is an illusion and we came from nowhere. If it weren't then Australia is actually considered to be the incubator of diverse life (which then gave rise to us) but we did develop and migrate from Africa. My money is on the illusion and we are making a big deal out of nothing at all. It's not our DNA that has developed the problem of racism. It's white society having done a very immoral thing to Africans. Our demand fueled their economic opportunities against their own. Tao instructs that when we create one thing another, in opposition, is also created.


Great little talk by R. D. he does explain things well.


All Americans are African Americans.
Most just don't know it.

Unity Level 8 Feb 19, 2023

Many refuse to know it, bwana Unity.


Some more recently than others.


Of course! Only racists and the uninformed deny this!

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