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Mormon Church fined over claim it hid $32bn of investments


xenoview 8 Feb 22

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But the small fine was just a slap on the wrist.

Black kids are spending 20 - 30 years in prison for minor crimes while the white collar criminals go almost scot free and religion's crimes get overlooked - not taxed, not caught, not punished.

The question is what Utah's AG, or US Attorney for Utah or even the local media did all these years. I am sure this is just the tip of the iceberg but we will never hear about more in the future. Utah is totally under the Mormon influence.


13 shell companies and the guilty hiding of investments for fear of "negative publicity". Their cover-up has finally backfired. So much for avoiding negative publicity. So much for ethics.

God fears Negative Publicity....such a strong and fearless god that he is !


Mormons aren't nearly as good at cooking the books as the rcc is.

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