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It's obvious many Russians want to get out of Russia and some of them have the resources to get all the way to the US.

More Russian Migrants Enter U.S. as Exceptions for Asylum Seekers Expand []

Lorajay 9 Feb 24

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Why would it be obvious many Russians want to flea Russia? Putin has popularity and approval ratings western leaders can only dream of.

That's because they're indoctrinated with fake news. The Russian people don't even know there's a war going on.


I wonder how many are spies?

On the other hand, this is how we got Einstein.


Needs a subscription.

They usually give you several free articles if you register. It says about 12,500 have entered the United States recently.

@Lorajay Seems like the US will let anyone in, so long as they are the "right" colour

@Lorajay In other words essentially none.

@Druvius 900,000 Russians have left since 2022 while only about 125,000 Americans left during the whole Vietnam war. That's even more significant when you consider that we have about 200 million more people than Russia has.


@Lorajay And millions have fled to Russia from Ukraine. Different wars, different times. Putin is very popular in Russia, pretending otherwise is fantasy.

@Druvius He's very popular with you too. Perhaps you might consider volunteering for his military. He seems to be running short of soldiers so he's going to prisons to recruit.

@Druvius The Russian government "says" he is very popular, and that is only among those who chose to stay. When the war started it is certainly true, that the border posts with Finland and the other baltic states were almost swamped.

@Druvius Not millions. Some ethnic Russians from Eastern Ukraine did flee to Russia, and some of those have now fled FROM Russia to avoid being conscripted. Civillians from Marioupol were forcibly moved to Russia in April last year.

@Petter 2.8 million. Russia in fact has more refugees from Ukraine than any other country. Not terribly surprising since most of the fighting is taking part in ethnic Russian parts of Ukraine.

@Druvius Look who’s mumbling now.

@NostraDumbass No, just pointing out some facts. I don't live in the Cold War fantasy world most in here seem to inhabit.

@Druvius “Putin has popularity and approval ratings Western leaders can only dream of” is the mother of all Dunning-Kruger delusional statements. Seriously, his heroic status is comparable to the adulation of Kim Jong-un in North Korea, Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany, or reminiscent of the 100% voter approval leaders of the old Soviet Union and other similar totalitarian regimes received in their sham elections. It’s the kind of slavish Cult of Personality devotion you get it a one party state that has total control of the media; and where opposition leaders and critics are poisoned, pushed out of windows, or jailed for merely referring to Putin’s aggression in the Ukraine as a “war”. The fact that I’m having to take you by your palsied hand and point out the painfully obvious fact that their is no such thing as authentic public opinion in Russia definitively confirms your status as a far-left fantasist who nobody should waste their time listening to. Good night, Homer.

@NostraDumbass No, it's a fact. I don't need to read further.

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