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Religion is about ignorance

St-Sinner 9 Mar 4

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One of the most problematic areas of human thinking is making up answers to unsolved questions. It is okay to say " I don't know " if that is what we know so far. Continue to look into it but withhold belief until you have the evidence.


Misspelling of the name, author is called Stephen Fry.

Not sure he actually wrote the first quote about “Just because the world is beautiful” either, see picture.

I agree with the comments, but they need to be accurate.


They claim God created nature and called himself super natural. It's more based on fear and control.


People tell me they believe in God, because they don't believe nature alone could produce such beautiful colors in the sky at sunset, or the colors of a rainbow, etc. Perhaps it is because they were told as children that "only God can make a beautiful sunset."

I remember as a child, as a "Campfire Girl" being taught the song "Tell me why" which I can still remember nearly 60 years since I learned it. It goes something like this:

Tell me why the stars do shine,
Tell me why the ivy twines,
Tell me why the sky's so blue,
And I will tell you just why I love you.

Because God made the stars to shine,
Because God made the ivy twine,
Because God made the sky so blue,
Because God made you, that's why I love you.

Songs like this nip curiosity in the bud. Rather than learning the real reasons for color, reflections, plant and animal nature, human nature, etc., we are basically told as children not to question, not to learn. I'd much rather have the song say in some way to "pay attention in science class and you will find out those answers and learn how to continue learning, stay curious!"


Yes, but look at the trees. This is what believers tell me to prove their god is real.

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