Seven signs your a natural born artist.
@Castlepaloma no he's American.
Yep! That confirms it. I am definitely not an artist.
If you aren't why highlight your second sentence?
If you say "ego" I say "yes, proving that you are artistic".
Everyone has a story to tell even about their last defecation or meal. You Petter have many well crafted stories to tell.
@FrayedBear I may even publish them one day.
@Petter I hope so. The world deserves to hear\ read them.
Yes, but the cynic in me says. Who is going to answer no, to any of those questions ?
Everyone in degrees, is an artist. Some say they don't have an artistic bone in their body,, bet I could find one Then their are extreme, .myself it being my centre and most waking hours of my life.
It's a a bit like "are you mad?". On a scale of 1-10 where 1 is the least insane & 10 the worst everyone falls within the parameters. Therefore everyone is mad.
Artist do have screw loose somewhere. If anyone hasn't asked themselves if they are crazy, they probably are crazy.
@Castlepaloma but it's not the same loose screw that the non artistic have.
I hope that Nicolas Cole is at least correct in his seventh chapter.
Is he a landscape artist from western Australia?