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So lost my computer and my password. Tried to get it back but the e-mail sending part must be on holidays so have created a new account until I either get the code via e-mail or remember the password for my old account.
I was just a Budgie but now am proudly proclaiming I am from Aus.

AussieBudgie 5 Mar 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Bad luck. Though they do say that there is little danger in writing them down. Since the people who raid your house, are not likely to be in contact with the people who steel information.

Yeah that is what I had also heard. Mind you given my house they would not begin to know where to look to find stuff.


Sorry to hear of your loss…but glad you’re still with us under a slightly different name. Not just a budgie…but an Aussie one no less!! 😁

Can't keep a good Aussie Budgie down.


Well, we'd better get you up by a few points.

I know! I had just cracked level 8.

@AussieBudgie So I spotted by visiting your "budgie" profile.
Isn't there a "forgotten my password" option when you sign in?

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