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Looking for something new? "the internet's courtroom in the case of Rationality v. Religion" is a new podcast by an atheist/attorney. If you have any interest in the law through the atheist lens, I think you'll enjoy it as much as I do. He began this podcast from concern about the rise of Christian nationalism and he examines the law by how it is manipulated for political purposes.

LovinLarge 8 Mar 19

Enjoy being online again!

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EVERYONE LISTEN UP... The Fascist Christians have outlawed abortion in many states with the desire to force their beliefs on the whole country, even if it means women will die. They are willing to charge them with murder. They seek to outlaw Mifepristone, birth control, gay marriage and even interracial marriage.

They have SCOTUS and the House. If they got the Senate and presidency, all at the same time, how long would it be before they'd come after non-Christians?

Fascist Christians have declared this culture war and they are all in. Break any law, violate every norm, take no prisoners. That is that path they've chosen.

Scary times, indeed. Each of those issues is dear to my heart. Since that is the route they've chosen, I am also all in.

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