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"In 2020, the state formed a reparations task force to examine the case for offering payment for what has been called America's original sin of slavery."

I wonder how native Americans feel about this "original sin" offer of compensation. I find it ironic the descendants exist because slave parents met their spouses through slavery. Eg no slavery, they would not be here.

puff 8 Mar 24

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I believe that there is a strong case for reparations to native Americas. We took away their land, their way of life, and tried to destroy heir culture. But he reparations should be in the form of cash payments to individuals. Such payments would be largely wasted. Instead, it should be in the form of (1) support of start-ups of productive and well-designed businesses other than casinos, (2) paid job-training to produce the staffing for implementing the core technologies of those and other businesses, (3) scholarships for higher education, and solid medical services at all native native American sites.

But where do you stop? Had a war with Mexico which displaced people from their land, compensate them as well? Irish perhaps who were basically used as slave labour along with all the discrimination?

Re native Americans, amend the Constitution so it recognises them specifically would be better. And do things like piss off Ben Franklins mug on you $100 bills and replace it with a native American image or something. If there must be money involved, make Hollywood pay it as they have made a lot of money from their portrayal of "redskins" over the years.

@puff Your retort is both ridiculous nad irrelevant. Deal with what I said, or admirt trhat you have no significant response.

@wordywalt OK. Money does not solve everything, especially social issues like this. I also believe native Americans have a far superior case than descendants from slaves, why I posted actually. But that won't even be considered because there are no votes in it. Not a big enough minority sorry, we're politicians. Now the black vote.........different story.
Have you seen Django Unchained? Do you recall the character Steven? Well, descendants of arseholes like that would also be compensated, talking native Americans here, as well as slaves.
Throwing money at people to compensate historic guilt is far too late in this case. Better to ensure what is left of their culture, including language, survives so teach native languages in schools, shit like that. Not money to individuals
If money must be involved and if you can prove native American ancestry, you should never be required to pay taxes ever again. Better than forking out up front.

@puff Your question was not about Blacks. I have a much longer and different answer in that vase, and will respond later, if you wish.

@wordywalt I am taking Indians. Only mentioned Blacks because as a minority the garner political attention, unlike Indians. Also pointed out that re compensation can compare the two groups as they both produced traitors to their people, collaborators with the "Whites" if you like, so how to deal with descendants of these types ie should they be eligible for compensation too? If so, why?


I don't support reparations, but again a terrible take on this by you. Guess you're saying descendants of slaves should be grateful that their "masters" bred their ancestors. smdgmfh

And you missed my take, which is how do native American's feel about the talk of repatriations going to descendants of slaves? Cater to one minority, piss off another.
I'm not saying they should be grateful, you do understand irony? Do you not find it ironic that compensation is sought for the act that helped create them?
Only total idiots would support this, not very well thought through. Another good point I saw mentioned elsewhere; Why should descendants of people who arrived in the US after slavery was abolished be liable, through taxes one assumes, to help cough up this compensation?

@puff I oppose reparations. I may not disagree with everything you said, I didn't miss "your point" regarding native Americans. I was appalled by your despicable comment. "I find it ironic the descendants exist because slave parents met their spouses through slavery. Eg no slavery, they would not be here". It implies slavery was a good thing and blacks in USA should be grateful that their ancestors were brought here.

@barjoe Slavery has been around a lot longer than the US, in all cultures pretty well. It was not based on race, it was based on exploiting the vulnerable. Where I'm going is if humanity as a whole considered this, which I acknowledge you dismiss reparations also, then how far does the guilt go back?
It's totally crazy trying to correct the past in this financial manner. The important thing is now and whether people are denied oppourtunity because of race still. I'll give America that, great strides have been made and I think it's OK now. Not perfect, but OK.
My observation of the ironic stupidity of those pushing this may appall you which is up to you, offence is taken not given. But equally, I am appalled in the referral that slavery was the "original sin" in the formation of the American republic. I would have thought the original sin was the genocide of the native culture and people. The seizing of all the best land. If there must be talk of reparations for historic sins, they should be first in line imho.

@puff Slavery still exists. It appears you're for it.

@barjoe Now I'm really interested how you concluded that I support slavery. Please, do tell.
Actually, I am into having slaves, robotic ones. Then they can do all the menial tasks for us, giving us more leisure time. A pity R&D in robotic technology is directed to more pressing issues, like devising better ways to kill each other.

@puff You certainly aren't opposed to it.

@barjoe Utter utter BS. Enslaving other humans, especially women and children, is disgusting. You'll be accusing me of pedophilia next.

@puff Make a statement saying young victims should be grateful. I won't accuse you of pedophilia but I'll say that you seem to tolerate it

@barjoe Never used the word grateful. Never used the term young or victims either. As you said to me once, I like you but fuck off on this one.
Are you grateful slaves built your country? You obviously tolerate it as you still live there. I won't accuse you of pedophilia either but as a Democrat supporter, you tolerate the abuse of children coming into your country, not to mention cheer drone attacks that kill children, especially revenge attacks that prove your might, like Biden droning those 7 kids in Kabul in revenge for the suicide bomber at the airport in the "outstanding" successful withdrawal after 20 years of terrorising the ME.
So you pushing for the Obama era cages to be dismantled at the border to protect kids? No of course not. All things democrat are wonderful.
Has human trafficking increased in the States since Biden? Yet you still support.
Have you worked out a way to tie this thread to me being a Russian troll or Putin puppet yet? Keep wracking that brain of yours, you'll think of something I'm sure.

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