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At some point in the late 1800's to early 1900's, schools started to give up on serious study of the classics, that is, Ancient Greek and Latin. While both languages are still taught today, they are far less studied . . . . Stupid idea, and it is no wonder so many Americans are a bunch of ignorant herd animals . . . Filled with fear and paranoia.

Πᾶσα δειλία κρατεῖται ἀπορίας ἀεί.
Literally: All cowardice is held captive by doubt always.
or: Excessive fear is always powerless.
Aeschylus, Agamemnon, Lines 386-387

Edith Hamilton was right, after all. . . . She was a classical scholar and educator who wrote extensively about the value of studying the classics, particularly ancient Greek mythology and literature. In her book "The Ever-Present Past," she wrote about the decline of classical education in American schools, which she saw as a troubling trend.

Hamilton argued that the study of classics was essential for cultivating a deep understanding of Western culture and civilization. She believed that the classics provided a window into the timeless themes and questions that have shaped human history, and that studying them was essential for developing critical thinking, cultural literacy, and a sense of intellectual curiosity and wonder.

Hamilton was critical of the way that modern education systems tended to prioritize practical and vocational skills over the study of humanities, arguing that this narrow approach to education would ultimately impoverish society and lead to a loss of cultural heritage and identity. She wrote that "a civilization which loses its heritage of the past loses also the spirit of the present and the hope of the future."

Overall, Edith Hamilton was a passionate advocate for the study of classics and saw the decline of classical education in schools as a significant loss for society. She believed that the classics had the power to enrich and transform people's lives, and that they should be a central part of any education that aims to cultivate thoughtful, engaged citizens.

Archeus_Lore 7 Apr 7

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