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I'm following live updates on the conflicting abortion pill rulings here:-


When the supposedly impartial judiciary of a country becomes usurped by politics, the country's social fabric is doomed.

Petter 9 Apr 8

Enjoy being online again!

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This is just a manifestation of the dangerous lunatics who are otherwise identified as rabid Christian evangelicals and who behave like the Taliban are hell-bent on imposing their vile values onto everybody else.


That happened back in 2000. Bad way to start a new Century but there it was...and our nation applauded before forgetting all about it. That's how we roll.


Women will NOT sit silent!

I know. I'm married!!! 🤣😂😁

That is how Trump got elected...


Conflicting and all about power and control. Throw in false religious claims and hope your political party can gain more support in the long run. I imagine that "abortion pills" could be mailed secretly just like any other med and no one would know who got them.


Doom is not near because appelate courts disagree. It has long been a quick way that cases get to SCOTUS.

.... and then SCOTUS, a politically appointed body, delivers a partisan decision?

@Petter Bingo! Marbury v. Madison being the first.

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