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The extremes of on-line dating or wherever you wanna call it is bewildering

It's like can go through 100's of failures,most of them scammers ,& few will webcam

& Then every now and then when they do ,they want cam sex right away lol

And it's like, it's so doesn't really arouse me for long , sometimes a little at first ,but then it actually turns me off and I'm all confused why I'm turned off lol .. i think it's cause it's rushed most likely , cause they're not bad looking!wicked hot some are

Just caught off guard i guess...

i like being able to see one is real by webcaming,can tell if it's a recording easily

But why more often than not i get webcaming from women just ready to play lol and I'm like i don't even know her lol

Then so many just won't webcam, usually cause they're freaking scammers

This is so hard..

I am not rushing,i like to take time to know if we're right and good for one another..and seeing one on webcam just to be sure they're who they say they are is enough for me ,then maybe after knowing one another,could Play on cam lol, doesn't matter that much,but do like knowing one is who they say!

laidback1 6 Apr 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Online dating, huh? It can be quite a whirlwind of experiences! I totally get what you're saying about the challenges, like dealing with scammers and the disappointment when things don't match up. I had a similar experience once where a girl I met online looked amazing in her pictures, but in person, it was a whole different story. It can take sifting through countless profiles and going on several dates before finding someone who's genuine. By the way, I came across some Free Dating Sites that offer tips on online dating while browsing the web. They might be worth checking out for some extra insights. Just thought I'd share! Anyways, I'm new to this forum and excited to be a part of the conversation.


People say that online dating makes it easier to meet someone. But in reality, it's not as easy as you expect. You're right. There are a lot of scammers on online dating platforms, and you need to be cautious.

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