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Inquiry into Canberra abortion access scathing of Catholic-run hospital refusing care, delivers 18 recommendations: [] is yet another reason to regard Catholics as Merchants of Death.

anglophone 9 Apr 18

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Remember that the precious fetus could be a future follower and voter. The way to insure this is to ignore women and play the god game. You know what your god would want. If not, maybe we will tell you. Most of us remember the guys that killed the abortion doctor because that doctor was killing babies. This is modern brainwashing. It did not hold true when your Buybull was written.


If you are a woman in your childbearing years, try not to find yourself in a catholic hospital. They will do a pregnancy test before they fully treat you, and if you are pregnant they will refuse treatment that could potentially harm the fetus.

So fetus first I guess. And I thought they were "pro-life". I guess after a certain age the life doesn't matter in their eyes.

@GrooshStar Yeah, the age of birth.


yet their cries for life don't include men on death row.

Many catholics are vocally opposed to the death penalty.
They aren't whiplash hypocrites on that like their extremist protestant cohorts.


They care more for the unborn than the women in need.

Betty Level 8 Apr 18, 2023

They always have. 🤬

The fetus might be male, after all.

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