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Where are the liberal blind spots?

To me it is obvious that the religious right, and anyone who disagrees with me, is blind to the facts. I can tell you some horror stories. But how are liberal, educated, fact oriented, good people blind to the facts?

SleepingOnABoat 7 May 2

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Human nature is to be blind to facts that you really don't like and both sides of politics are equally guilty of this one. Whenever ideology and facts come into conflict the tendency is to throw out the facts. I'm Australian and tend to vote Labor or Greens so that means my political leanings are somewhere to the left of your Democrats, but I am also a pragmatist to some extent.
The liberals tend to be arrogant about the ability of technology to "fix things" and tend to totally ignore just how many people are on this spinning blue green ball we call home (sorry even though Malthus was an a>$%hole, he was right about some things). Liberals still tend to be very tribal and when they say everybody, their brain is actually working it out as everybody like me or everybody in this country.
Squeamishness and sentimentality also play a part, along with an inability to accept the dichotomy between how things "should be" in a perfect world and what it is actually possible to achieve on this one. We look for quick fixes without fully exploring the unintended and long term consequences. We forget that the social contract has two sides, it is not just about rights it is also about duties.
Yes there are a lot of things wrong with the systems in place but in seeking to fix them too many liberals are lazy, they want the quick fix and the accept whatever solution is held up before them without thinking it all the way through. Lack of patience and long term thinking are the two main blind spots.

Kimba Level 7 May 3, 2018

You're not "blind" per-se, you're selective with your facts. Most conservatives will admit that there are some things they're conservative about and some things that they're liberal about. But the modern liberals are misinformed, indoctrinated and uneducated.

Also the ideologies that modern liberals offer such as political correctness, social justice, victim culture, equality for all, etc. are unattainable, they're nothing but ideals.

The liberals believe they're right because they have a large number of children and young people who agree with them, but no body cares that the reason so many young people are liberal is because they were indoctrinated in schools and universities by liberal professors.

That's the truth.


Most of the liberals are just looking for a free handout from the government that they think they are entitled to. Anybody who disagree’s with them is shut out. And yes liberal teachers are corrupting our children.

@Kojaksmom If it wasn’t for the military we’d would have lost our freedoms long ago. Trump bashing foul mouthed idiots like you are a grave danger to society.

I can't believe you just insulted the people who died for your freedom. Shame on you.

@Trajan61 see I told you the military are God's in your eyes! That's my point exactly! military people are capable of doing no wrong, they are 100% perfect !and that's bullshit! At the same time you hold the philosophy that all people who work two jobs that still need assistance are leeches.

@Lancer conservatives on this site ,in my opinion, are religious trolls.

@Kojaksmom military are not Gods but do deserve our respect. They make many sacrifices for our freedom and protection. The least we can do as a country is provide medical care and education to them. Welfare recipients get treated better then veterans when it comes to medical care and its a disgrace. You should be ashamed of yourself.


You understand so little about this world. I hope that you will break free of both your arrogance and ignorance however there doesn't seem like it will happen.

Listen more and speak less. You'll learn a lot more that way.

Just remember. A lie told once is a lie, but a lie told 1000 times becomes the truth. Don't be a sheep following the majority just because you're afraid of being an individual. Break free and stop the endless cycle of liberal propaganda.

True, but there are some liberals out there who have educated themselves (usually much older ones) who have taught me some things. Not about their politics but just general knowledge. So there are some alright ones out there, it's just the young ones who use liberalism to destroy society that I have a problem with.

Now that's what I call "Divine" Intervention 😉

@ArtemisDivine more members of the conservative group. Conservatives should believe the military men and women who deserve respect are the ones who earn respect . All conservatives believe the military are gods. All personal rights and individual freedoms were often times not products of military bloodshed.

@ArtemisDivine the military get free healthcare .their medicines are mailed to them. I know a military woman who draws money from the government to go to school . she uses that tax payers help to pay her long is she going to be allowed to abuse our system? Again ,I'm supposed to have faith and love for all military people regardless of their actions. In the same way I'm supposed to have respect for God and the bible with no questions asked.

@ArtemisDivine, @Trajan61 spoken like the true religious Nazi

@Kojaksmom I bet you would think differently if you had a husband or a son in the military. Both my father and oldest brother served. My father and brother refuse to talk about the horrors they witnessed while serving. Their service left a deep scar that can never be healed. The whole family makes sacrifices you know nothing about and your ignorance is astounding.

@Kojaksmom let me give you a history lesson. United States entered WWI because Germany was encouraging Mexico to wage war with us. We entered WWII because the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.......My grandfather served in both World, your welcome for the freedom and protection my family helped to give you.

@Kojaksmom military do not get free anything.... They earned medical care and education thru their service to our country.

@Lancer not a chance in hell I would not align myself with any conservative not for one second

@ArtemisDivine again I'm not talking about all military members. you believed that all people that are in the military are God'. We all serve our country and we all pay taxes. But for conservatives only their little group gets to determine who's Worthy

I never asked for you to align yourself with conservative ideology. I just said that sometimes listening to others can help you broaden your narrow view of the world.

I have said before, I've learnt things from some liberals. Just don't hate people because of their political beliefs or ideologies. At the end of the day politics means nothing to the every day worker. Just treat each other with respect and listen with an open mind, don't try to shut them down, just turn the other way.

@Lancer well then why the hell you talkin to me about it? how about the same for these conservative trolls .

You're blinded by emotion and prejudice.

I am just here to say that wisdom comes from many different people from many different walks of life. However you are here saying that because someone is a soldier they are a freeloader. I don't know about you but I respect people who know that at any time they could be called upon to go into a warzone, say goodbye to their loved ones and risk their lives to fight an enemy they can't even see.

I just want you to think about these things and de-radicalize your opinions. I know it's a far cry but we need less extremist views like yours in this world. They are abnormal and if this type of thing keeps on increasing, there will be further conflict. Then you won't have to go to a foreign country to be in a warzone.

@Kojaksmom, @Trajan61 calling this ungrateful hateful nut job pig an idiot is actually better than IT deserves .

@Lancer oh yeah go ahead and take the moral High Ground while you defend others who clearly are guilty of the same thing

I'm not taking any high ground. All I'm saying is the world is messed up. But training your eyes and ears to only hear and see what you want is why many people start living a lie.

Just live a balanced life. Don't worry so much about things like this. neither you nor I can change the world, we can only live in it. So don't feel so down about this. Just accept it and move on

@HarrySlick yeah but I've already proven that you guys could dish it out but you can't take it. Conservative agnostics tag this just so they could harass liberals

@Kojaksmom I've been on other websites for atheists. Why do liberals think that atheism and liberalism are the same things? If a person is smart enough to reject hard religions like Christianity and Islam, why would the same person not be smart enough to reject a soft religion like liberalism? Liberalism and all its values find their genesis in New Testament Christianity. This is the first place that human tribalism was rejected and the concept of "the universal brotherhood off man" was put forward. Liberalism is New Testament Christianity stripped of the divinity of god. But the values are all the same. Look at he world around you. 100 years of liberalism has done a better job of destroying the West than 70 years of communism did destroying Russia. If Marxism is a failed ideology, then liberalism certainly is. The failure is everywhere to see. Why would any intelligent person with critical thinking skills buy into this tired, worn-out, cancerous world view?

OH MY GOD 🙂 🙂 🙂
You sir are what me and my friends joke as "The true awakened" I am so glad you said this. I don't think anyone could have worded it better.

@Kojaksmom Perhaps this woman is using the GI Bill to go to school or taking courses while serving. This is a main reason why many people join the military -- to cut a deal to serve the government in exchange for a free education.


That liberals have blindspots.

Everyone does.


'and anyone who disagrees with me, is blind to the facts'

Well, Id say arrogance, if you consider anyone that disagrees with you blind to the facts.

Tunnel vision and cause of the day is another of our flaws. we rarely see anything to fruition, jumping from outrage to outrage. the people that actually accomplish shit are rarely content to be labled.

@BeerAndWine statement stands mate, That is a classic liberal PoV sarcasm or not, it is accurate.

@BeerAndWine What insult? there is no insult given, and if you chose to take one, thats all you. If honesty insults you, mayhap its time for self reflection.

@BeerAndWine You asked for liberal (of which I am) blind spots. Arrogance, tunnel vision, and failure to follow through. Please, explain where I insulted you.

@dellik I've gotten the same kind of response from BeerAndWine. If you don't cave in and agree with him, if you clearly get the better of him in the debate, he eventually challenges your honesty, your morality and then tags you. I suppose "tagging" is registering an official complaint with the moderators of the site. Hardcore liberals are like all leftists: they are authoritarians who resort to censorship to maintain control. My question is: Why do liberals equate atheism with liberalism? When you say you are an atheist but don't go along with liberalism, they freak out. Was Stalin or the original Bolsheviks liberals? They were certainly atheists. Same with Mao. Few intelligent people are religious. And few are liberals.

@BeerAndWine All good man, although I actually used 'we' and our' other then in the direct quote =) no hard feels


I'm sure there are some that liberal folks miss, but I can't remember what they are.


My problem with liberals and all lefties in general is they are all instinctively authoritarian. Say something that doesn't jibe with their smug liberality and they immediately want to shut off your right to speak, or take away other basic freedoms. Look at the blatant thought control and content suppression on essentially public sites like Facebook and Youtube. It all goes one way: against the righties. Or look at the far-left street action groups like antifa. Their primary purpose seems to be to forcibly deny others their right to public free speech. Or they form networks to get their political opponents fired from their jobs or just plain harass them -- or assault them.

The liberals don't start off with the brass knuckles. They begin with an Orwellian attempt to control thought itself by controlling words. They invent some words, like racism and sexism, to create crimes that had never existed before. And they construct new forms of morality and laws around their new words to create things like "hate crimes" that had never existed in the past. And then they use the power of modern mass media and public education to indoctrinate people into this new way of thinking, this new form of mass control. The few whose instincts or intellect are too strong to be taken in by this form of authoritarianism, they try to muzzle and silence; then they ramp up the process by making it impossible for the dissidents to hold a decent job. They make them social pariahs. If that doesn't do the job, there is the prison-industrial complex.

The same process was imposed by the lefties in the Soviet Union. Now we have it here in the US just as some semblance for freedom is breaking out in Russia. The Bible thumpers do not frighten me. One can mock them at will. Mock a liberal and there is hell to pay.

@NFAguy53 not a fan of facts, eh? republicans elected trump, there was less cross / spite voting in this election then the last (more hill voters went mcain, then bernie voters went trump, by a large margin.) But hey, who needs facts, right?

@dellik I was an avid Bernie Bro. I sent him a donation every month during the primary campaign. I voted for him in my state primary. And I voted for Donald Trump for president because his positions lined up more closely with Sanders' positions than Hillary's did. Trump won the election because Hillary was a poor candidate. She hardly bothered to campaign in many key rust-belt states.... while Trump was working his ass off campaigning, hitting three stops a day with rallies in each. Plus, Trump saw how Sanders beat Hillary in rust belt states. He campaigned heavily in them and simply regurgitated Sanders' message. It was that message of bringing back industry and real jobs that won the election for Trump. It wasn't Putin! How lame! The problem Hillary and the Democrats had was Trump ran to their LEFT on many economic issues. He exposed the Democrats for the Wall Street shills the party has become. Trump ran on economic populism and stopping the wars overseas. Hillary ran globalism, free trade and perpetual war. This is why the Bushes and many establishment Republicans endorsed her. If Trump does not deliver on his economic agenda and if he drags us into war in Syria, his base will desert him.

@skeptic99 I sincerly hope so.
I was most bothered at the time by people willingness to disregard the fact that trump has been the literal caricature of greed and self absorption for longer then I have been alive. His name has been synonymous with cheap gilded wealth, and greed for ever, but the right seemed willing to ignore/forget that in favor of his willingness to give voice to their fears and hatred.
Was Hillery a shit choice? Abso-fucking-lutely.
But, to me she was the only sane choice, out of the options given to us, so I swallowed the bile and voted for her. Because, with her, it wasnt hard to guess what you would get. With Trump its like playing russian (heh) roulette with a shotgun. You are guaranteed to suffer.


Since there are, naturally, conservatives sharing comments here, and others reading along, I have a more specific question. Much reaction (discussion, disagreement, etc) is built on the topic of "facts". So, conservative friends, please share what defines a credible fact for you? What kind of or what specific source & evidence is needed for a fact to be valid?

True, conservatives are also extremely blind to facts. Humans in general ,as an animal species, are selfish and self-serving only.. both sides of the aisle to their extremes are in actuality pretty much so nuts. The president of the United States right now only watches Fox News, and he is the god for conservatives.

I get liberals trying to pull me into the trap of providing them suitable "facts" all the time. First, I'm here to give an opinion. I'm not here to prove anything with reams of quotes from some approved source. And even if I did that, it would not change a liberal's thinking. In my last post up this thread I briefly explained how and why Trump won, but will liberals accept it? No. They will cling to the baseless charge that Putin cut a deal with Trump and somehow stole the election. Once you start trying to provide approved "facts" for a liberal, he will play you for a fool as long as you let him. Most of us read a lot from various sources. We keep up with current events. If you come up with a different interpretation than I do, then so be it. I'm here to tell you how I see it. I'm not here to paint you a perfect picture or provide you with a blueprint to the truth. Do your own research. If you want some sources, I'll offer them. But I'm not going to waste my time quoting long passages of material that will be ignored.

And BTW, liberals never offer facts to support their world view. They take it as though their way of thinking is divine, handed down by Moses or some equivalent. And when you do get into some specific subject, they can always offer opinions from leftist academics as their proof.

@skeptic99 well, I am not particularly challenging any comment you have made, here or elsewhere (and I did not see the thread you mentioned). My point was not intended to start an escalating disagreement. It is a real question, particularly in the current climate of our country. For example, I can reply to your example of Trump winning the election. While I do not think allegations of his relationship with Putin are baseless, I also do not see the election as stolen. If evidence is shown of actual manipulated votes, the facts become different, but for now, if Russia or others fed stories to social media to rile people up and it resulted in people voting for Trump then it was still those people casting their votes. That's not stolen to me. Though it does lead me to question the people - did they verify the information they read or did it simply support their leaning already? Either is fine, but one is clearly opinion and one is unverified fact. If a person has a fact they are sharing, then source material is not at all a waste of time. Name calling, general labeling, fussiness and being loud aren't enough. I need to see the supporting evidence. Take a simple one: has Trump lied about the historical size of his electoral victory? Yes. He has. This is fact, as those vote results have been recorded for a couple centuries. Yet, as recently as yesterday he stated he won by a record margin. A lie. But many believe him because they are either unable or unwilling to pursue the verified and factual truth.
So, my question remains unanswered - what source is valid and credible so as to substantiate a fact. It seems actual recordings of data through history is not enough for some people.


Okay, so first I have to be clear because I know the road ahead is perilous and full of hurt feelings: I am a liberal. I vote democrat. I think that montoriy groups and women are plagued by a system rife with ignorance about their conditions as people. I advocate for higher taxes on the rich, strong social programs, and better education/medical systems.

Now that we’ve established that I don’t have anything personal against liberals simply for the fact that they are liberal, being one myself, I would say an issue is group think. Many liberals get defensive when you ask questions which ask for answers that put liberals in a negative light or make statements that do the same. Any type of criticism seems to be off the the table. They (we) aren’t poised enough to be incorrect as a group.

When someone criticizes me on an individual level, I first and always consider it and either reject it for a lack of evidence or find it has merit and modify myself. What I don’t do is get angry or upset unless it’s very clear that the person is trying to harm me in some way by pointing out the flaw, or thinks they are better than me because I have flaws. I don’t see why some liberals have such a hard time doing the same when it comes to a group and many don’t even seem to make it past the most important step: considering it.

If you say “some liberals are aggressive,” I say, well some times it is warranted, and where it isn’t, that’s wrong and we should work to avoid making harmful or bad decisions or at the least be mindful of our potential short comings. Everyone makes mistakes. There is no reason to expect that liberals don’t or that some of those mistakes don’t manifest themselves in portions of the population at times.

@NFAguy53 where the fuck did /that/ come from? Calm down, buddy.

Liberals believe it is immoral to disagree with them. And they go from there.

@NFAguy53 Dude, why are you so against your fellow man? You talk about facts, but you certainly don't belive then when it comes to universal healthcare or other humans. Most people are good, hardworking people, just as I'm sure you are. Also, you come off as extremely religious due to your apparent distaste with the LGBT+; are you religious?

@NFAguy53 There are so many things wrong with your statement. First, that poor child is a vegetable. What quality of life does he have? Is he able to run and play, go to school, anything that would even remotely be considered living? No, he's kept alive because the parents feel guilty. You talk about free loading poor people living off the backs of people like you who work and pay taxes. Well, large multi-million dollar corporations do the same thing. They use the laws in place and government assistance to make tons of money off your hard work. Who benefits? Not you, unless your a stakeholder. Do you know that the NFL is a non-profit?? A non-profit organization with all the tax breaks afforded to them making billions from your support! Yet, the idea of people making a working wage, having adequate health care, and a decent home to live in, pisses you off. Dude, you've got serious issues.

@NFAguy53 the little kid you're referring to who was starved to death was a terminally ill child. With or without medical treatment it was not capable of survival. I bet you say the same thing about Terri Schiavo. Upon her autopsy half of her brain was gone but yet the conservatives kept her alive for as long as possible.

@skeptic99 so let's fix it ,let's make healthcare for profit so that no one could afford it. Lets overload emergency rooms and throw the entire system into chaos .this is how conservatives fix this problem that you're talking about.

@Kojaksmom I haven't made a comment about health care on this thread.

@AvvarElf I've said it before I'll say it again conservatives on this agnostic site are religious trolls. I was asking myself the same question, and i believe he is

@skeptic99 sorry my mistake

@Kojaksmom I see liberalism as a secular version of Christianity. Same values. Just leave out Jebus. So to me it seems logical that if you reject Christianity you should also at least question the values it is built upon. Anti-Christian and anti-liberal seem synonymous to me. Liberal atheists and Humanists are basically the same critters as Universal Unitarians. It's not the deity aspect I have a problem with; it's the false values shared by and promoted by Christians and liberal atheists. Just think of me as a totally different creature, something akin to a Klingon. I'm far more radical than you are.


Liberal isn't actually the same thing as being fact-oriented...

Oh anyone who followed me because of this comment should be made aware that I am a committed socialist.

I'm for a certain amount of socialism, too. But from what I've seen in life and studied in history, socialism ONLY works within a true nation, one that is racially and culturally homogenous. It cannot work in a multi-racial empire as the United States now is. The people simply will not support it. Their tribal instincts forbid it.

@skeptic99 Have you been to France? To Europe in general? Because despite a large influx of Muslims and other cultures into their often staunch Xtian native scene, socialism isn't breaking down there. You just can't, you know, go bankrupt when your spouse gets cancer. Most "tribal instincts" of humans tend naturally towards taking care of one another if that's possible. Thankfully, it's not 1870 anymore so we have vaccinations, X-rays, chemotherapy and a whole bunch of other really neat medical stuff.. but most of it is far too expensive for your neighbors to just pitch in and buy for you, or you for them. That's why most countries have universal healthcare so everyone pitches in. That's also, actually, how insurance works here in the States-except for the part where thirty percent of every dollar we spend goes to CEOs and shareholders versus the four percent administrative overhead of government programs.

I'm not sure where you were going with the "true nation" stuff.. but it kinda sounds like a certain regime from the 1930s who also wanted a "true nation.." and then all our grandparents had to go over there and kick their asses.

@MrBolton I was last in Europe during the 1970s, so I have no first-hand experience with anything going on in Europe now. But I can read. From what I can see not only is public health care breaking down in Western European nations, but the nations themselves are breaking down. France has experienced huge race riots in recent years. Add to that one major terror attack after another. I'll predict right-wing political parties take power within the next ten years in most of Western Europe, or the place is on track for internal civil war. Regarding "true nation" I mean France for the French; Britain for the British. That sort of thing. People do not mind sharing their wealth if they see it is all shared among their own kinsmen. When you bring aliens within the enterprise, people's natural instincts kick in and tell them that giving welfare to aliens is not a smart long-term strategy. You see this especially in the United States now, where back in the 1950s when this was still understood by everyone to be a white nation the idea of a social welfare state was widely supported.

Regarding the war against Nazi Germany, let's give credit where credit is due. We can all thank the Soviet Red Army for doing 80 percent of the real fighting to defeat the German army.


I feel like some that are on the far left ignore the fact than there are actual differences between the sexes that are not physical.

Enormous eye roll.


What facts are you purporting that we are blind to? Be very specific, or it is immediately obvious that you are just belching into the wind. When you attempt to get specific, we will be able to show that your "facts" to be simply more horse manure and misrepresentations. Either way, you have set yourself up to get creamed.

Liberalism is a religion. Point out facts they do not approve of, and liberals scream, "APOSTATE!"

@skeptic99 spoken by a conservative whose base are the most rabid Evangelical Christians out there. You shouldn't be on agnostic. you should be kissing the ass of the Evangelical Christians because they're the backbone of your conservative movement

@skeptic99 Your response is a damnable lie -- the worst I have seen in a long, long time. You seem to have no shame.

@Kojaksmom Sorry, but I'm NOT a conservative. Neither am I a liberal. There are actually other ways of thinking.

@Kojaksmom, @wordywalt As I have pointed out, disagree with liberal doctrine and you are always accused of rank immorality.

@wordywalt If by having "no shame" you actually mean I'm not bound by political correctness, then guilty as charged.

@BeerAndWine Define blind spots this is what we don't understand it's like me saying white people have problems and issues

@skeptic99 You are playing word games to avoid the substance and potential impact of your words.

@wordywalt I'm not the one who is blocking people and flagging people. Liberal values simply cannot withstand honest critique. That's why liberals are always getting outraged and hitting the censor button.

@skeptic99 You conservatives have a bad habit of turning truth on its head. That is one thing you just can't seem to stop doing.

@wordywalt Look, it's a free country. I'm not in some kind of debate with a surly character like yourself. If you think I'm "belching into the wind" simply because I'm not a liberal, so what? Grow up.


People who seek out and live by facts would, one would expect, be less prone to this malady.


What are you talking about???

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