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barjoe 9 Apr 22

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Actually we hardly hear anything at all, about Satan in the bible, he was largely made up after the bible was written. In the old testament most of the very few mentions of Satan, is of satans, the profession of being a satan, ( Means roughly, legal advocate of the other side. ) most of them help God, and it is to be assumed they are all different. While the mentions in the N. T. are few, mostly late, and mostly metaphorical, such as the "Beast", which could really be anybody. And they are mostly in Revelation, the bit that many think should be dropped, and was certainly a late tack on.

PS. 66 books, not chapters, perhaps, depending on how you count them.

I like to post HAIL SATAN on religious sites because it triggers them and is extremely offensive to Christian and Muslims. Fuck em. I think it's hysterical.

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